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Python tableauserverclient : Refresh workbook 본문

Python/Python tableauserverclient

Python tableauserverclient : Refresh workbook

CosmosProject 2020. 12. 21. 16:28




Tableau Server Client(TSC)

Let us check how to refresh workbook.

Filtering workbook using workbook name and refresh that workbook.

# --------------------------------------------------
# Chapter 3. Tableau workbbok refresh
# To refresh workbook you need workbook id of the workbook you want to refresh.
# To get workbook id, you can use filter function in Chapter 2
# --------------------------------------------------

import tableauserverclient as TSC

def TSC_filter_workbook():
    tableau_server_url = 'tableau_url'  # e.g. https://tableau-server.test.com
    tableau_user_id = 'tableau_id'
    tableau_user_pw = 'tableau_password'

    server = TSC.Server(tableau_server_url)
    tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth(tableau_user_id, tableau_user_pw)

    print('Current REST API Version :', server.version)
    server.version = '2.8' # Set version as 2.8
    print('Modified Rest API Version :', server.version, '\n')

    print('Logged in')

    # In this example, I'm going to refresh workbook named 'A Dashboard'
    # So I should get the workbook id of 'Quality Dashboard' using filter function.
    req_options = TSC.RequestOptions()
                                      'A Dashboard'))
    filter_items, pagination_items = server.workbooks.get(req_options)

    workbook_info = filter_items[0]

    workbook_name = workbook_info.name
    workbook_id = workbook_info.id
    print('Target workbook name :', workbook_name)
    print('Target workbook id :', workbook_id, '\n')

    # 'workbook_id' contains 'A Dashboard' workbooks's id.
    # server.workbooks.get_by_id(workbook_id) means that give me 'workbook's information from 'server' with the 'workbook_id'
    # And the workbook info will be put in 'workbook' variable.
    # 'workbook.get_by_id' method is used when you have workbook id and you want to get the workbook's information.
    workbook = server.workbooks.get_by_id(workbook_id)
    server.workbooks.refresh(workbook)  # 'workbook.refresh' method refreshes extracts of parameter(in this example refresh extracts of workbook in 'workbook' variable)
    print('The workbook \'{}\' was refreshed.'.format(workbook_name), '\n')

    print('Logged out')
    # Example Directory Structure
    # Team_Apple (-> Project)
    # ├── A Dashboard (-> Workbook)
    # │   └── A Graph (-> View)
    # ├── B Dashboard - PL (-> Workbook)
    # │   └── B History (-> View)
    # └── C (-> Workbook)
    #     ├── D_1 C (-> View)
    #     └── C History (-> View)

- Output
Current REST API Version : 2.3
Modified Rest API Version : 2.8 

Logged in

Target workbook name : A Dashboard
Target workbook id : 95ad193f-g2ea-6132-b84d-b573523d0396

The workbook 'A Dashboard' was refreshed. 

Logged out






